Red Alert Inc.


Select your security provider carefully. You'll be placing your safety and security in their hands - you deserve to feel confident that your choices are right for your circumstances. While we feel that a security system is no place to pinch pennies, neither should you buy more than you really need, nor purchase equipment and services that are poor values.
Here are some helpful tips:
- Ask your insurance agent, friends, family or neighbors for referrals.
- Contact the NBFAA or your state burglar and fire alarm association for a list of member companies in your area. The association's members agree to maintain a high level of conduct under its National Code of Ethics and render services at the highest level of quality.
- Call several companies. Ask them if they have appropriate state and/or local licenses, if required, and if they conduct any pre-employment screening of their installers.
- Contact your local police department's Crime Prevention Department, state licensing agencies, Consumer Protection Agencies, and the Better Business Bureau.
- There are many alarm installers that advertise "complete home security systems for $199." Are these systems a good buy? How can they offer them so cheaply?
- Read the fine print! You may be responsible for numerous hidden costs, such as system pogramming, the telephone jack and service, and a "system connection" fee, none of which were mentioned in the enticing ad. But there are even more disturbing possibilities:
- Unlike a professional security company, these installers typically sell your monitoring contract to a third party - often out of state! This allows them to recoup the cost of equipment and installation quickly, without further obligation for monitoring or service or the need to amortize their costs over the life of your contract. Will they continue to earn your respect and business after the sale, by offering superior service? Will they even be around for the duration of the contract? Think about that before signing anything.
- Reading such contracts closely may also reveal that you do not actually own any of the equipment, and the third party may increase your monthly monitoring and equipment rental rates at any time. You are locked in, unable to shop for more competitive service, and your security system may not have been the latest technology when installed.
